Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Today we finished the book hoot here are is a brief summery

A kid called Roy Eberhart moves to coconut cove in Florida at the start he hates it
then he makes some really good friends but there is one kid called Dana mattherson
Roy ends up punching Dana. The punch broke Dana nose then Roy is forced to write an
apology letter Roy writes the letter but Dana still wants to fight but Roy dons't   want to
Roy sees this kid called mullet fingers running a long the road in bare feet he runs after him.........

It all takes off from there you will have to read the book to see what happens next

What is your favourite character.

My favourite character would have to be mullet fingers because he cares about the forest and the little owls hiding in the barrows and he is  very adventures.

What is your least favourite character.

My least favourite character would be Dana because he is a bully and he smokes he only cares about himself and no one else.

What is your favourite part of the book.

My favourite part of the book is at the end where they have a big battle and mullet fingers pokes his head out of a owl hole and scares every one.

I think the theme of the book is never give up on something you care about like when mullet fingers helped the little birds when there was no hope at all

I would give the book a 8/10 rating because it was really interesting and I learnt some good lessons from it

I have seen the movie so  my favourite part is when they run away on there bikes.

Monday, September 8, 2014

30 day challenge

this is our classes 30 day book trail we had 25 books and we had to pick one we wanted but we could steal off other people if we didint want the book we could swap my book is called  W.A.R.P  I think it is a cool book to read

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

argumentative writing

studies conclude that  Americans watch to much TV.most people don't know how much TV they watch think about TV you watch at six hours to much TV should there be restrictions placed on cable boxes for children? consider the obesity epidemic in your writing do you think that excessive TV consumption plays a strong role in the amount of overweight people in the US.

I think that  is true because that most people that watch TV all day are fat and are never outside and playing sports but if people are just watching TV for the weather or News that  is OK my claim is that the TVs should have weight limits so you stand on a scale and if your over 100kg your not aloud to watch TV or we could make that when you watch TV you need have to run on a treadmill when ever you stop the tv will turn off so the tredmill powers your tv when you walk it slows down and if you just leave the tredmill on the TV wont work because theres no weghit on the tredmill        

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


This is a cotton-mouth  moccasin North America’s only poisonous water snake, the water moccasin has a distinctive blocky  triangular head, thick body and a dangerous bite. They rarely bite humans, however, and only attack when threatened. They are semi-aquatic, happy both swimming in water and basking on land in their native range of the South-eastern United States. There bite is called a hammerstrike